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Events, Committees, and Friend/Fundraising Opportunities.

Riviera Ridge Family Association


The purpose of the Riviera Ridge Family Association is to foster a positive spirit within The Riviera Ridge community, promote parent engagement, provide financial support to the School, orient and integrate all new members into the School “family,” and assist the School in its efforts to provide educational opportunities, facilities, and assistance to its students. 

At all times, the Association will cooperate and consult with the school administration to ensure that the nature of its activities and the manner and timing of its contributions are consistent with the School’s educational purpose, mission, values, and financial needs.                                                                   


The membership shall be open to all parents and guardians (or representatives designated to be guardians) of students at Riviera Ridge School, the Head of School, faculty, and staff.                                              

RR | (FAB | Family Advisory Board)

The business and property of the Riviera Ridge Association shall be managed and controlled by its five(5) member Family Advisory Board (FAB) in consultation with the Head of School, subject to the policies of the Board of Trustees and the School. The FAB shall consist of the President, 1st VP-Community Engagement & All School Events/2nd VP-Grade Level Ambassadors & Parent-Child Events, Secretary, and Treasurer.

2023-24 RR|FAB - Family Associate Board
Antonette Renteria, Priyanka Shahheydari and Christina McConathy

Click Here For The 2022-2023 Annual Report

Click Here For The 2021-2022 Annual Report

Students on a swing in the Riviera Ridge School outdoor facilities.

Committees & Service Opportunities

Grade Level Ambassadors
Build community among the Riviera Ridge families while supporting the faculty and staff. Act as a liaison between families and faculty while encouraging positive & constructive relationships. Organize and solicit volunteers and participation in classroom and schoolwide events.

Community of Belonging & Kaleidoscope Committee
Beginning with the exploration of social and emotional learning (SEL), Ethical & Moral Values, service learning, and the formal study of world religions, cultures, and global citizenship, this committee supports The Riviera Ridge School’s vision and core values. Committee members will support the Community of Belonging & Kaleidoscope Faculty members in the development and family participation of this program.

Nutrition Committee
Support The Riviera Ridge School’s mission of being student-centered with the intent of health and wellness through nutrition. Alongside Jen Bower, committee members will evaluate and provide input on the school lunch program.

Green Team/Sustainability Committee (New!)
Support The Riviera Ridge School’s vision of social responsibility by planning, evaluating and recommending campus practices and activities that are ecologically sound, socially just, and economically viable.

New Families & Hospitality Committee (New!)
In harmony with The Riviera Ridge School’s commitment to cultivating and maintaining a welcoming school community for all students, faculty, and families, committee members will support the Advancement Department (Admissions, Marketing, and Development) in building a strong community together, especially for new families.

Community Care & Celebrations Committee (New!)
As a community, we support and celebrate one another. Working with the School’s Administration, this committee will provide support & hospitality for community events and support for our community members. The Community Care Committee is filled with compassion, care, support, and kindness for our families and the entire Riviera Ridge community.

FAB Fundraisers

Students using technology in class.